Top Techs Crew Booking Guidelines
Some guidelines from the Top Techs team for booking crew.

At Top Techs, we understand the critical importance of finding and booking the right crew members for your production. With a team of booking agents who all have a production background, we have a unique edge in understanding the complexities involved in bringing a production together. Our advanced diary system and our friendly, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable team make it easy and efficient to hold freelance crew through Top Techs. We take pride in providing straightforward and efficient service to all our stakeholders.
General Crew Booking Guidelines
To place a hold on crew for a new job, there is important information that needs to be provided to Top Techs. You can provide this information by completing the Build a Job Form on our website, enabling us to set up the job quickly and easily in our online diary system, Bizzee.
It's also important to keep us updated about any changes to the shoot schedule or key members of the production team so that we can provide our crew with up-to-date information via their online diaries.
When you put crew on hold it is important to provide detailed information, including whether the holds requested are late finishes, early starts, or night shoots. This information is important as bookings on the previous or subsequent day require a ten-hour turnaround. You also need to inform us if travel or rest days are required and provide location information, especially if the job is out of town. Lastly, if you have more than one technician on hold for the same position, especially if the hold was made with a different booking agent, please let us know.
Communication is key and any changes or updates to the job details should be communicated to us promptly.
Push To Confirm
You have the option of pushing to confirm when you have a second or subsequent hold on a technician and are ready and confirm your booking. When you push to confirm, the production company with a first hold will have 24 hours to either confirm or release their hold.
If you cancel a confirmed booking and the crew member cannot find alternative work during the same period, you will be required to pay 100% of their normal daily rate.
A 1st hold is automatically confirmed if it is not released at least 2 business days before the booking date. If you cancel a booking with less than 2 business days' notice, a cancellation fee will apply.
If you have placed a Weather Hold, it must be released at least 24 hours prior to the date held if it's not required. Failure to release the Weather Hold will be considered a confirmed booking, and a cancellation fee will apply.
If you have any questions about our guidelines, please don't hesitate to contact us.